The WanderingSoul's profile

These Colors Won't Last Long, Pt. I

Landscape Photography
These Colors Won't Last Long, Pt. I
[Autumn, 2021]
The Guardian (Der Wächter)
"Not everything we love grows with age,
That's why we remember,
And never forget, the way things used to be."

[Conceptions - Guilt Free]

One of the goals I had set about a year or two ago was to photograph one particular forest in all seasons. With every visit, I recognized it better, noticed slight changes and also tried to improve my skills regarding the photography of trees and forests in general. Recently, I have been successful finally. During this time, my favourite tree already died. Furthermore, I now felt the need to move on... wherever this may be. Whatsoever, this place felt kind of home at times and I wonder how many nights I spent nearby, and how often I walked through there. Maybe my frequent visits weren’t so much about photography as excepted. I was longing for a place to be able to go to, and find some rest of loneliness. These visits accompanied me through this whole time of my life much more than people did.

So, whatever will happen to this forest by the influence of nature itself, and people - it has been seen, and achieved in some way. At this time, there is no single series comparing the same subject in different seasons, but I’ve linked the other results of 2020/21 below. Furthermore, I like to point out that some subjects feel right in every season where others only do in a particular one.

Spring & Summer
this series, and Pt. II of it
(probably my favorite image of this series)
These Colors Won't Last Long, Pt. I

These Colors Won't Last Long, Pt. I
