With sympathy and compassion to Chinese people and victims of 12.05 earthquake bureau Proekt has created this monument to the present for New Graphic Magazine”.

Monuments with displays are installed in museums, libraries and galleries. The image on each display is divided into sections. Some important news for the chinese community is contained in each section. The news is picked up randomly from the internet by a special algorithm in real time. Each news is marked by a color depending on the news' positive or negative sense. Good and bad news may be located side by side as the former doesn't exist without the latter. Nonetheless it is the monument to optimism. It's a unique monument to the events taking place right at the moment, it's alive and it's changing with the world. The display is the cut of China's information field, each moment it is of current interest as the information is being updated all the time.

Each display section responds to the touch " if news interests a person, he/she can touch it by the hand like we touch each other in sign of compassion. The monument responds to the touch increasing by one the number of people who have touched the screen. This number also influences the news relevance algorithm " while it touches people it remains displayed as it remains in the heart of people. 

Creative Director - Roman Krikheli
Designer - Dmitry Rybalkin 


With sympathy and compassion to Chinese people and victims of 12.05 earthquake bureau Proekt has created this monument to the present for New Gra Read More
