My Better Normal - Website

A Better Normal is a positive social experience that consists of a short film and personal digital time capsule for all citizens of the world. This simple project invites anyone to make a personal resolution in a private digital time capsule; a typed or video commitment to yourself to improve on just one thing for your “better normal.” On October 1st, 2021, your time capsule will find its way to your inbox. You’ll be able to see if you kept your promise to yourself, remember what you were thinking and feeling during this time, and why you resolved to do better in this one small way. Private and confidential, nobody but you will ever see or hear your time capsule. It’s a digital record for you alone.

Project Management — Frédéric Marchand
Strategy — Dust Leblanc
Creative Direction — Louis Paquet
Art Direction & Design — Louis Paquet
Front-end Development — Quentin Hocdé
Back-end Development — Benjamin Roch & Mathieu Ducharme

Video — Nova Film

My Better Normal - Website

Project Made For

My Better Normal - Website

A Better Normal is a positive social experience that consists of a short film and personal digital time capsule for all citizens of the world. Th Read More
