Profil appartenant à Nicholas AugustusProfil appartenant à Jordan Barrow

Responsible Social Campaign

about our campaign 

Our campaign is based on the over exposure to social media by teens and young adults. Our main target audience is people within the age range of 18-29 year olds which are 79% more exposed to social media. The campaign creates awareness of people being anti-social (loneliness, depression, low self-esteem and anxiety). We started off by asking "How might we show that social media and technology can cause anti-social behaviour?". According to our research many people can develop anti-social tendencies. The way in which we addressed the problem was that instead of leading into the negatives of anti-social behaviour we took a more positive approach. We tried helping people by making them feel better and do better in real life and on social media instead of focusing on the problems. #actsofkindness 
Social Media Products
swipe instagram posts
The swiping of the Instagram post fades with every swipe to create engagement, which indicates that you are helping the problem disappear.
acts of compliments posts
The acts of compliments posts is the brand campaigns way of helping. Everyone loves to see a compliment, so by doing it on social media we are directly helping the issue on the same platform it started on.
social media platforms
information posts
Further information about our campaign designed for Facebook.
Banner designed for Facebook.
The filter is a challenge that we created in order to help people do good and let the good translate and spread onto social media platforms.
Print Products
For our anti-poster we wanted to show the fading nature of the problem, while stating that the problem is there and quite serious. The QR code takes the user to the filter.
street pole boards
We designed t-shirts and stickers in order to further push the interactivity of the campaign and get people more involved.
coupon book
The concept of the coupon book is to allow the campaign to be more personal towards the audience. The Coupon book can be used to write as a "fake cheque book" where people can help their friends or people around them get out more or interact with each other in a more fun way.
glitch poster
The concept behind what we call the "glitch poster" is to show that our campaign is making a positive "glitch" in the social systems of everyday life. The point of this poster is to grab the attention of the people around it. The poster is made of 3 layers of transparent paper that when wind or movement interacts with it, it creates the illusion of a real life glitch.
interactive poster
Our interactive poster is 2 A3 landscape posters printed on top of each other that has 8 A6 peel-able smaller pieces of paper. Behind each A6 paper is a random act of kindness that the user can do, they can also take home the A6 paper to show their participation and have a memento of the campaign. This is the physical version of the same concept as the filter. 
Responsible Social Campaign
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Responsible Social Campaign

A responsible social campaign that deals with the overexposure to social media, anti-social behaviour, depression and disconnection from reality.

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