Profilo di Sabina Suru

The Pilgrim's Dream [collection by Vika Tonu] [2019]


The Pilgrim’s Dream” is a collection of wearable objects of art – translated revelations of a challenging journey of the soul, that sprung from the unknown, unfolded in images, found order in words and solidified in precious metal. What started as an experiment, an attempt to cross the familiar boundaries, has become a multidisciplinary project, which originated first in a collage that translated into a poem, and in turn, revealed the essentials for a small jewellery series. Parts of the collage where transformed into precious, wearable objects with the help of modern and traditional jewellery working techniques, while the poem created the narrative line and offered a transcendent and transpersonal synthesis of the individual parts. Each piece is a message, a reminder about one’s journey of transformation and self-discovery. The metaphorical journey, the dream, is an ongoing process that takes time and patience, self reflection and the openness to let go of disillusionment. It is not a typically easy journey, but with commitment, perseverance and trust, the reward is a different perspective upon experiences and a more compassionate attitude towards oneself and others.

Concept, collection & text: Vika Tonu Design
Look book photography: Sabina Suru 
Model: Irina Marinescu 
Make-up: Mihaela Cherciu 



The Pilgrim's Dream [collection by Vika Tonu] [2019]

The Pilgrim's Dream [collection by Vika Tonu] [2019]
