Client: frank body. Coffee-based skincare that makes babes feel like babes.

What they needed: Everything. Willow & Blake’s founders created frank body as a case study for what they could do when given complete creative freedom. We put our money where our mouths are, by funding the brand we were building and building the brand we were funding. We think it’s a pretty good case study.

What we did: (Everything) Naming; Brand Development; Brand Voice; Social Media Strategy; Art Direction; Packaging; EDMs; Campaign Creative

How we went: The beauty industry is full of jargon, hyperbole and copycats. We decided to buck the trend, being honest, upfront & original. It was this thought process from which the name and personality of frank body evolved. Using this concept we developed a social media strategy focused primarily on user generated content, an original tone of voice and influencer outreach. Six years later we have over 730K Instagram followers, 5.4 million searches in google and over 2 million products sold in over 144 countries. The reason frank worked? A great product, good timing and a willingness to develop an original idea, not copy something that was already being done.

Frank Body

Frank Body
