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Czasownicy (Time Keepers) - city game

At first noone expected problems. Sosnowiec (city in souther Poland) were interested and proud of scientist - dr Remigiusz Gres who came from USA and brought some new facts about its history. City councill were speaking with him, local historians was amazed. But with time it turned out that things are not so simple and Gres is not who he appeared to be.
Mad scientist Remigiusz Gres recording video in Sosnowiec
City Game:
Czasownicy (Time Keepers) was long lasting city game, orderd by city council of Sosnowiec (Poland). Game took place from 7 to 16 of September 2012. In fact it was 8 different eventss:
6 games:
- Welcome Time Keepers - calm walking game for warm-up
- Time Keepers Maneuvers - sports and social games on city stadium
- Birthday of Jan Kiepura (famous polish singer) - music city game
- City Support Troops - Stars Hunting - game about famous citizens of Sosnowiec
- Supply Units - economical city board game
- Bomb searching in Palace - dangerous city game
2 trips:
- Reconnaisance - bike trip
- Area Examination - walking tour
+ 4 individual challenges.
Game was played by over 170 players - children, youth, adults and senior citizens.
Promotional Campaign:
Game was preceded by promotional campaign based on introducing fake scientist Remigiusz Gres in the city.  At the beginning we created credible character of not known historian who came to Sosnowiec searching for traces of his ancestors. He announced some new facts about history of the city and gained media and local politician interest. Later it came out that his intentions are not so clear - he tried to force city to give him some area - he claimed it was area of his family. And he started to fight with unconventional method - time manipulation. Then it came out that he will be main black hero of the game. City of Sosnowiec invited Time Keepers - futurist soliders who were able to fight with Gres and his black-dressed creatures. Soliders asked citizens for help - than the game started!
First visit in Sosnowiec
Walk in Sosnowiec
Scientist confirming authenticity of Gres materials
Local vlog about place marketing commenting case
City council finally denies Gres story
Gres gives a threat
Time Keepers warning about Gres
Report from a game
Time Keepers logo
Time Keepers - graphic concept
game poster

Project Coordinator: Michał Grelewski
Lead Game Designer: Vojislav Radojićić
Creative Team: Przemysław Górski, Przemysław Bogusławski, Joanna Ufnalska
Promotion: Piotr Lipski
Graphics: Jakub Dygas
Photos: Widzisz to?
Costumes & weapons: Martyna Cierpisz
Mad Scientist: Łukasz Biskupski
Animators: Natalia Ufnalska, Maciej Blim, Mateusz Pokora, Jan Kowalski, Mateusz Idzikowski

Czasownicy (Time Keepers) - city game

Czasownicy (Time Keepers) - city game

4 months project containing 1 week street game and promotion of the event, ordered by the city of Sosnowiec. Main plot of the project was history Read More
