Profil appartenant à Ivan Badia

Day 8 - Adobe Xd Daily Creative Challenge : Mobile

Day 8 - Adobe Xd Daily Creative Challenge
#08 - Mobile Experience
If an e-commerce experience has not been optimized for mobile, it loses customers and revenues drop. design the mobile experience for the current website.
The carousel was the greatest challenge moving from 1920px web to 375px iPhoneX/Xs screen. Stacking the photo with the sales pitch worked best flushed right with button above the fold. A tab bar will be added but is best if it slides from the bottom once a scroll is initiated. 

Prototype Wires
Day 8 - Adobe Xd Daily Creative Challenge : Mobile
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Day 8 - Adobe Xd Daily Creative Challenge : Mobile

Day 8 - Adobe Xd Daily Creative Challenge - Mobile Experience

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