For my projects I always try to recycle things. I don't buy the frames for intance, people, friends give them to me or I go get them on the street or in charity places.
I've seen loads of old fashion tableware customised in many design blogs and I thought I'd give it a go!
So here is a portrait in an old tin plate. The lady is stoical, as usual in my paintings, and she carries a white cat on her shoulders. That is what my cat uses to do, she jumps on my shoulders while I'm working and feels quite comfortable sleeping, washing and purring up there.
Eventually the illustration was chosen for a local cultural magazine's cover. Gald to see a personal work front page!
Watercolour, gouache, pencil and india ink,
23cm diameter tin plate covered with synthetic resin for a glossy and magnfying feeling,
White Cat

White Cat

Portrait painted on old tin plate and covered with synthetic resin. Mixed media, 2013
