This project consisted of a series of Paper Toy Figurines, Created for Oito Produções: A Company based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that specializes in organizing/ promoting parties and musical events. 

The objective of this project was to create personalized Paper Toy Figurines of Oito Produções' Star DJs, to use in their social media communications and as props to decorate the DJ's turntables while they performed at events. Aside from the Paper Toy Figurines, we were also hired to execute a photo shoot that would be, later on, used to create a couple of images for a social media campaign to promote these DJs for their upcoming events.

We also used the photo shoot to perform an extensive interview with each DJ, to gain a deeper insight on their personality, mannerisms and personal style, in order to really capture their essence for the Paper Toy Figurines. We didn't want to create just aesthetically appealing illustrations for these figurines, we wanted them to feel authentic, and truly connect with their respective real life personas.

I worked as art director and head illustrator in this project, spearheading a compact team of 3 other professionals, including a senior designer, a photographer, and a support illustrator.

Guga is a big Star Wars fan, so we included a Chewbacca mas for his figurine, that could be taken on and off...
Paper Toys Djs


Paper Toys Djs

Desenvolvimento de uma campanha para a divulgação dos DJ's da Oito Produções e movimentar a fanpage no Facebook. A campanha criou um Toy Art para Read More
