Background: Every year Akamai has a great role to play in the major events happening across geographies. Some of the events could be Black Friday, Super Bowl, March Madness, Olympics etc, To provide a seamless experience of the website to millions of users a lot of planning and execution goes in. The key is to understand the realtime performance of the sites.
Objective: Design a dashboard to view realtime traffic, traffic trends, devices across various time zones and accounts. The user should be able to see the data visualizations for one or more accounts at a time in order to compare with other reports.  
Role: UX research, IA, Visual design, Prototype
A good understanding of user needs and business goals is a key to the success of any project. This was carried out as a one-time project initially. But the users found it very insightful, and post usability testing few features were added and this application is used frequently for every event.
Selecting a report pack
Creating custom report pack
Traffic trends
Realtime traffic trends
Web analytics
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Web analytics

Dashboard to track web analytics for events.

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