Animal Farm: Penguin Books

Design a new front Cover for Animal Farm


 I choose the flag idea because my tutor really liked the idea of a physical object, and for me, I wanted to do more photography.
After ordering a plain red flag from Amazon, I used a potato for prints and put them on my flag. I placed my flag on very dirty, and grubby locations. However, when I went to see my tutor, he said my flag needed to be grubbier and placed in more farm like locations. So I put my flag in the tumble dryer, and made it more grubby, and when it was raining took more photos in a muddy field.

After those photographs, I then experimented with what type I should go for. For me this was the hardest task, since none of them seemed to fit the piece. I found a font called Acid Label which really fitted the grimy, and gritty cover. For the front cover, I ended up going for a cropped picture of the flag and having it spill onto the back cover. According to my tutor, the images and type looked a bit too much like crime novels so I began changing the layout and experimenting with different textures. In the end, it ended up looking like a war novel which is what the book is about, so I had achieved what I wanted.
Animal Farm Cover

Animal Farm Cover

My submission towards penguin
