Henkilön Amanda Veronyak profiili

Winter Specialty Beverages Menu 2017

Winter Specialty Beverages
The Specialty Beverage Winter Menu 2017 was created for a coffee bar in the Aramark Canada cafeteria. The concept behind this menu was to create a winter theme menu that would display the selection of beverages available for the winter season. The client wanted the menu to look sophisticated but legible for clients to view on an LED monitor. Two variations of the menu were created. A regular PDF menu —as displayed— was created for viewing purposes. An animated version of snow falling in the background was created as an attention grabber for those walking by the coffee bar.
The inspiration behind this menu was the integrated design of snowflakes. When water particles crystallize they begin to create unique shapes and patterns to form what we call snowflakes. Creating a variety of patterns and shapes help create a pleasing visual for the menu without causing too much distraction from the main content. The variation of the colour blue was used to help keep the atmosphere of winter within the design. The idea of being cold makes people want to find a way to warm up. An easy solution is to purchase a hot tasty beverage. The script typeface used as the title of the menu was to help create a sophisticated by elegant business persona to the design. A bold sans serif font was used on the menu to help create an easier readability on the LED monitor. The typeface of the menu was coloured in white so that the text would have a higher contrast against the variation of blue in the design. This helped keep the menu atmosphere of a winter wonderland.
Winter Specialty Beverages Menu 2017

Winter Specialty Beverages Menu 2017
