Inktober 2017
The month of October is more than a time for spice lattes or collecting candy. In October, a small event within the art community called "Inktober" begins. Inktober is the time of year that allows artists to become more creative and productive in their spare time. The main idea behind Inktober is to create an illustration in ink, post it online and then repeat the process every day through the month of October. —For more info about Inktober please visit—

This was my first time partaking in Inktober. Considering it was my first year, I decided to have a theme for my series of illustrations for the month of October. I decided my inspiration for Inktober 2017 would be Halloween. The idea to create illustrations from folklores, myths or my imagination on what I think of during Halloween was something outside of my usual comfort zone and experimentation with a traditional medium and with a restricted time limit for each illustration. In the end, I learned new techniques, discovered a new art style and a better understanding of contrast and depth by using a single tone of colour and the use of line.
Inktober 2017

Inktober 2017
