Cristobal Alvarez Zeladas profil

Renewable Energy Interactive Presentation

Renewable Energy Interactive Presentation

This project involved creating an interactive eLearning module based on a previously created infographic. The project was made in Keynote. 

Target Audience
High school science students who are learning about renewable energy. 

Learning Outcomes
1.0  Develop a functional interactive presentation using the principles of typography and layout design
2.0  Craft effective instructional narration to accompany a visual presentation
3.0  Give, receive, and implement constructive criticism

The purpose of this module was to inform viewers about renewable energy generation in the United States and around the world. I have recorded the Keynote presentation as a video in order to upload it on Behance.  
The interactive eLearning module above describes renewable energy generation in the United States and around the world.
Renewable Energy Interactive Presentation

Renewable Energy Interactive Presentation

This project involved creating an interactive eLearning module
