Abhey Singh's profile

I am Spiti | Travel Photography

I am Spiti

Whether you travel to find yourself, or you travel to forget yourself…. I think it is both, happening at the same time. 
When I decided to travel to Spiti, I had no idea what is in store for me. I just wanted to go far, far from everything. To just sit and let the time pass by, to feel the wind and water against my body, to heal my body and my soul. I think I spent half of my time there, traveling in buses. Surprisingly it was not at all boring. I could sit the entire day on the window seat, watching, as it passes by different places and lives. It made no difference whether the wind that strike against your face is full of dust, or a cold humid breeze, it is just wind. 
Spiti was for me: climbing a hill at 10 in the night, under millions of stars, with a freezing wind going right through your body and sitting there in the middle of nowhere, talking to a complete stranger from Hungary. It was, a foolish four hour trek, in slippers, listening to songs from into the wild in my Nokia 1100. It was, feeling the absolute peace and silence in the 1000 years old monasteries, so serene and peaceful, that you can feel your breathe. It was, wandering aimlessly in the highest villages of earth; talking, drinking and eating with strangers, in the middle of the most beautiful landscapes I had seen. And most importantly, it was finding that positivity, optimism and love, which Mumbai has scarcity of.

I am Spiti | Travel Photography

I am Spiti | Travel Photography

A photo-travelogue about Spiti - the journey is both inside as well as outside.
