White Square VII

International Advertising and Marketing Festival White Square

The desire to win the prize at advertising festivals often overshadows the importance of the festival as the platform to perform educational programs, professional networking, and gaining new acquaintances.

We used the metaphor of «gold» to reflect the value of such simple things as friendship, communication, new knowledge and experience in the identity and advertising messages of the festival. «Golden» appeals, including the general slogan of the festival «White is the new gold» inform about the real values of the festival. We decided to strengthen the visual effect of gold and to support the idea of simple human values, using the cheapest and unattractive materials and textures.

Everyone who came to the festival «White Square» gets his own gold, it’s just necessary to recognize it.

White Square VII

White Square VII

Международный фестиваль рекламы и маркетинга «Белый Квадрат». Стремление завоевать награду на рекламных фестивалях порой затмевает значимость са 閱讀更多
