5aver Evacuation Mask Brand Experience Design


5aver is an emergency breath system that can save people’s lives within 5 minutes.
BX Lab designed brand experience of 5aver to emphasize the core value of this
convenient device with the tonality of safety and speed.

To deliver our customer’s expacted value of speed and safety, we consider each
essential way of being trusted from our customer through the brand experience of 5aver.

To express 5aver’s visual identity of prompt evacuation and emphasize customer value
of safety and usability, we developed an application system with functional and rational
look and feel. Our main purpose of design renewal is to directly deliver the most
expected value of customer through our safety device.


We put people first before we start our projects. Through the research by putting
people at the heart of what we do, we learn that what they want, what they need, 
and what they expect. Inspired by these insights, we conceptualize, design, 
prototype, test and refine our ideas. The results are digital experiences that put 
people first.      

5aver Evacuation Mask Brand Experience Design