Профиль Mark Beccaloni

Parasite - Photovoltaic urban lamp bypasser

Промышленный дизайн
Photovoltaic(GaAs) urban lamp bypasser
> In a world of energetic waste, something radical must be invented to lower total embergy(energy throughout the whole life cycle of a product).the solution would have to be both aesthetical and functional,especially for photovoltaics who suffer one of the biggest problems:integration.Parasite is a solution,why change urban light poles with new ones?so on i decided to create a structure with a third level integration pv to be attached solidly to our common misused scaffholdings.
PARASITE is a urban lamp bypasser,it's host is completely taken over and deactivated.Here i used a new PV cell system designed by Spectrolab.The cells are high efficiency triple junction pv cells,brouht to earth after extensive use in space.Their power depends on their nanotech wafer of GaAs (gallium arsenide),a modern material that has nothing to do with common Si(silicon) photovoltaics.these cells work at atmosphere 1 with extreme efficiency and can be forced further with a fresnel lens,supporting a light intensity up to 1000 suns if correctly refrigereated.
I extimated a 260watt peak production in normal conditions while just covering far less than a square meter suface with these marvelous GaAs cells.Parasite tilts from a relaxed neutral position to 30° in order to harvest energy at its maximum,LED lights grant low consumption and produce a abundant no of lux.
Parasite - Photovoltaic urban lamp bypasser

Parasite - Photovoltaic urban lamp bypasser

product design and technology design 3


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