Concept, pitch and idea development. A selection of images that either inspired further design, or didn't make it.
Nike Air Max
A series of stills teasing upcoming products through the abstracted minds of Nike creatives.
Adidas Messi
A collection of frames to demonstrate illustration combined with live action and typography for key moments in a commerical.
Design exploration for telecoms giant AT&T. Focussing on how data could be visualised, used and reimagined in a tactile user experience.
Poldark BBC
A sequence of pitched frames exploring animated renaissance paintings for the Poldark title sequence, an episodic drama for the BBC.
Using x-ray imagery with filmed talent, the idea was to investiage the human body in a personal and abstract manner.


Concept, pitch and idea development. A selection of images that either inspired further design, or didn't make it.
