Ashi Martin-McMullins profil

altlandtis | team apolis

Eco-Ocean City
The Gulf of Mexico’s resources is a tremendous source of ecological, economic and social value. The mass petroleum extraction, destructive agricultural runoff and climate change all contribute to the damage of the Gulf’s increasingly depleting resources, water quality, and wildlife ecosystems. The once iconic source of dirty energy will be morphed into a new alternative model of sustainable living.

With the onset of peak oil, the ALT_LANDTIS Project seeks to appropriate the aging symbols of an unsustainable economic model by transforming the existing Brownfield of offshore oil platforms into matrices of vibrant, ecologically aware and self-sustaining communities. Through the adaptive reuse of existing materials and infrastructure, ALT_LANDTIS aims to help restore and sustain the region’s diminished ecological, economic and social systems; creating a renewable economy, biodiversity of surrounding ecosystems and a sustainable lifestyle.

Collaboration Team: Gaby Barajas + Ashi Martin + Marcus Richerson + Alex Pung

Living Building Challenge Competition Submission
Exhibited at the 2011 2x8 AIA/LA A+D Museum 
Quarterly Interim Exhibit @ Cal Poly Pomona

Dots represents current existing abandoned offshore oil platforms. There are 17,000 currently in the Gulf of Mexico and can be as close as 50 feet from one another. (Source: USGS, Google Maps)
altlandtis | team apolis

altlandtis | team apolis

Eco-Ocean City


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