Perfil de John Zollinger

ADVERTISING: "Now What, Grad?" Integrated Outreach

"Now What, Grad?" Integrated Marketing Initiative
Combination event, video, social media outreach effort for grad recruiting and alumni relations
Background: One of the main initiatives we're undertaking at the School of Communication (SOC) is to evolve our outreach from an emphasis on traditional paid advertisements to instead focus more on content that can be integrated across several platforms to engage multiple constituencies. In planning for the release of "Now What, Grad?" by Professor Chris Palmer, we created a micro campaign that featured a series of short videos highlighting information from the book, then disseminated the links to those videos, as well as invitations to the launch event, via our social media channels and through sequential Recruiter emails to applicants for our graduate programs. To engage AU degree holders, we coordinated with the university alumni association and career center to share the link to the videos and promote the event as a networking opportunity.

My roles in this project: Designed the scope and approach of the initiative and secured the resources required to execute it; worked with the book author to set up the event and produce the video series; managed the generation and distribution of web and social media content by the SOC communication team; coordinated with the graduate services office to produce content that they could send to applicants in the Recruiter system to provide examples of the benefit of an SOC education; collaborated with the university alumni office and career center to craft messaging for their constituencies.
ADVERTISING: "Now What, Grad?" Integrated Outreach

ADVERTISING: "Now What, Grad?" Integrated Outreach

ADVERTISING: 2015 AU School of Communication


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