Catch It
Game on the iphone
Interactive multi player game for iphone. The exercise was to explore the sensories of the iphone and make a fun activity application for it. After exploring features like the gyrometer, accelerometer, compass etc  the simple game of catch came into play.
Play single player or sync in multiple iPhones to play a multi player game of catching a virtual ball.

Brain storming on the words "Fun" "unexpected" " sensories"
plus points for catching the ball, minus points for drops. Twists like Speed of the throw is relevant because a upfront catch would crash the screen, the ball turning into other objects like a time bomb, bottle of milk, dung bmb etc.
Scenario was developed to demonstrate the game play.

The game plan, taskflows and the method was done and then iterated on several times.
Catch it - Game

Catch it - Game

game of catch for iphones


Creative Fields