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Happy Holidays from Stozer

This is how it all started in 2013... / Ovako je sve počelo u 2013. godini...
Our good creative people, get comfy, light your fireplace and read this Christmas tale. One holiday season in a year of 2012, 4 guys wanted to send out company email greeting card. Clock was ticking as bunch of emails filled their Inbox from other partners. There was just no great idea, the idea that will lift people spirits. Then someone yelled, people should be happy at our own expense...and that was it. They decided to throw their pride away. Pulled out Elf costumes that they had from other project and went to the most busiest street in town and stoped the traffic for one magic photo. People laughed and they looked ridiculous. People laughed and they were happy as they should be in that time of year. THE END...not quite. They decided to do this every year and always tried to raise that bar that much higher. Bar of humilliation that is.
Have a great holidays, be happy and enjoy your life and work.
Check below for other "Holiday Greeting work".  

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Naši dragi kreativci, udobno se smjestite, zapalite taj kamin i pročitajte ovu božićnu priču koju morate znati. Za vrijeme blagdana davne 2012, 4 dečka su silno željeli poslati svoju poslovnu čestitku. Vrijeme je odmicalo i njihov Inbox se punio čestitkama njihovih partnera. Nikako nije bilo ideje, ideje koja će podići ljudima raspoloženje. Tada je netko viknuo, ljudi trebaju biti sretni na naš račun...i to je bilo to. Odlučili su pokloniti svoj ponos. Izvukli su vilenjačka odijela ostala od jednog prijašnjeg projekta i izašli ponosno na najprometniju ulicu u gradu kako bi stvorili jednu magičnu fotografiju. Ljudi su se smijali i oni su izgledali presmiješno. Ljudi su se smijali i bili sretni, kako i trebaju biti u tom periodu u godini. baš. Dečki su odlučili da će to ponoviti svake godine i probati podići ljestvicu. Ljestvicu poniženja.
Želimo vam ugodne blagdane, da budete sretni i uživate u životu i svom poslu.
Pogledajte dolje ostale "blagdanska čestitka uradke".  
year 2013 or the year of singing. / 2013. godina iliti godina pjevanja.
year 2014 or the year of dancing. / 2014. godina iliti godina plesanja.
year 2015 or the year of Star Wars. / 2015. godina iliti godina Star Warsa.
year 2016 or the year of dreaming. / 2016. godina iliti godina sanjanja.
year 2017 or the year of "naked truth". / 2017. godina iliti godina "gole istine".
Year 2018 or the year of Lil' experiment. / 2018. godina iliti godina malog eksperimenta.
Year 2019 or the year of Stranger Things. / 2019. godina iliti godina čudnovatih stvari.
Year 2020 or the year of the Lockdown. / 2020. godina iliti godina samoizolacija.
Year 2021 or the year of the TikTok trends. / 2021. godina iliti godina TikTok trendova.
Happy Holidays from Stozer

Happy Holidays from Stozer

Just our way to make people happy during holidays. Our set of company holidays greeting "cards". Credits to: Dražen Zeljković, Hrvoje Zalukar, Iv Read More
