Perfil de Neubau Berlin

Detroit Underground Records R08—R10 (2008—10)

Embalagens de música
Detroit Underground Records
Releases R08—R10 (2008—10)

Generic Sleeve Design and Promotional Video for Detroit Underground Record Labels’ Release R08 – R10 (also known as ‘the black edition’). The packaging’s typo-graphics are dominated by Neubaus’ NB-Form™ typeface reading ‘Detroit Underground’ by masking a city map of Detroit (Michigan, USA). Each record release is accompanied and referenced with a graphical pattern which is visible via a dye-cut hole on the front cover showing the records’ circular label sticker.

The NB-Form™ alphabet is displayed in detail on the rear side of the cover. A copy of the typeface was also available as free exclusive download to every DU record owner.
Concept, Design, Illustration & Type: Stefan Gandl
Year: 2008—10

The Promotional Video
Enjoy the linear video version of the original DEFORMAT interactive vj-version.
Audio by Kero. Video by Neubau. Video content is taken entirely from Neubau’s Neubau Welt Catalogue publication.
Directed by Gandl/Grünberger in 2005.
Detroit Underground Records R08—R10 (2008—10)
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Detroit Underground Records R08—R10 (2008—10)

Generic Sleeve Design for the Detroit Underground Record Labels’ Release R08 – R10 (also known as ‘the black edition’). The packagings’ typo-grap Ver mais

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