Illustration II: side project
"Insectoid Fey Group" Jul. 2015. Watercolor, Adobe Photoshop. 17” x 11”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball
Insectoid Fey was a concept I was urged to flesh out starting from an initial doodle of a fairy with insect-like additions to her appearance and form.
"Jeanette" Apr. 2014. Watercolor, Adobe Photoshop additions. 10” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball

Jeanette is loosely based off of an emperor dragonfly. She’s curious, bold, and adventurous, but can be somewhat stubborn.
"Franz" Apr. 2014. Watercolor, Adobe Photoshop additions. 10” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball

Franz is inspired by a giant mesquite bug. The eldest of the gang, he is wise and philosophical, but is often too breezy to be brave.
"Julian" Apr. 2014. Watercolor, Adobe Photoshop additions. 10” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball

Julian is a lunamoth. His front is pompous and theatrical, but he’s kind at heart and is, in truth, actually pretty lonely.
"Delilah" Apr. 2014. Watercolor, Adobe Photoshop additions. 10” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball
Inspired by a yellow ladybug, Delilah is sweet and innocent. Also, she's the youngest of the group and is always willing to help.
"Demeter" Apr. 2014. Watercolor, Adobe Photoshop additions. 10” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball
Demeter is loosely based off of a juvenile assassin beetle. Cold and intimidating, though brutally honest, she fears others don’t like her.
"Christov" Apr. 2014. Watercolor, Adobe Photoshop additions. 10” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball
Christov is loosely based off of a chrysus ignita, or a cuckoo wasp. Free spirited, he lives life to the fullest, albeit immaturely. He doesn’t understand language.
"Audrey" Apr. 2015. Watercolor, Adobe Photoshop additions. 10” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball
Inspired by a grasshopper, Audrey is adamant, headstrong, and quirky; her imagination always leaps into trouble before looking.
Happily Be!
Insectoid Fey

Insectoid Fey

Insectoid Fey is a concept of fairies with insect-like additions to their appearance and form.
