A set of four Prismacolor marker designs of four characters of mine as Art Deco inspired card faces. The project was practice work with Prismacolor markers as well as an extensive study in the Art Deco style.
The CV stands for Circus of Values, which is the title of the story these characters are from. In summary, each character is a corrupt ruler of this masked land, corrupt in that they are driven mad by a primary emotion. There is a fifth member, X, but I did not include her into this project. The characters here don't normally don 1930s clothing, so it was fun to redesign their actual outfits in a more period-dated way.
King is Native American, though I haven't yet pinned of which tribe. His primary color is yellow, his symbol is a diamond, and his primal emotion is fear. His design took inspiration from tapestries and other basic shapes.
"Masked Royals: King" Apr. 2014. Micron pen, Prismacolor marker. 9” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball
Queen is French. Her primary color is red, her symbol is a heart, and her primal emotion is anger. Focusing on the many shades of red available, her design took inspiration from the Eiffel Tower, and I utilized a gradient approach in each section of the design.
"Masked Royals: Queen" Apr. 2014. Micron pen, Prismacolor marker. 9” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball
Jack is Russian. His primary color is blue, his symbol the spade, and his primal emotion sorrow. For his design, I compared the shape of the spade to the tops of Russian "onion dome" architecture.
"Masked Royals: Jack" Apr. 2014. Micron pen, Prismacolor marker. 9” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball
Ace is North African. Her primary color is green, her symbol a clover, and her primal emotion joy. I knew I wanted a circle as her main background symbol, but I was at a loss for what to focus the design on. The bumps of a clover eventually began looking like an elephant skull, and I ran with the motif of tusks.
"Masked Royals: Ace" Apr. 2014. Micron pen, Prismacolor marker. 9” x 15”
Characters (c) Pam Kimball
Happily Be!
Masked Royals

Masked Royals

A set of four Prismacolor marker designs of four characters of mine as Art Deco inspired card faces.
