Jay Skin was created as a response to the Documentation Flavor need. An XWiki Flavor is a set of predefined extensions having a specific use case in mind, since XWiki can be customized to serve multiple purposes, from public websites to intranets and business intelligence solutions. XWiki is an extensible open source platform for developing collaborative applications on top of the wiki paradigm.
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My role was to define what a Documentation Flavor should contain, in terms of purpose and applications. Tasks were defined and analyzed, and matching applications that suit a certain flow were integrated in the Flavor description. 

I've also proposed the Jay Skin, which is focused on finding and organizing information, as a visual representation for the Documentation Flavor. When using XWiki as a documentation product, the focus switches from application usage to content creation. The user need to be able to rapidly create and organize information.
Analysis of features and applications that the Documentation Flavor should contain
I prefer to interact and create the design in the environment it will live in, so I usually code my proposals directly in HTML+CSS. 
These design proposals are discussed inside the XWiki Community, which is an Open Source community around the XWiki platform.
Jay Skin | 2015


Jay Skin | 2015

Responsive skin, designed for technical documentation use case, focused on finding, reading, creating and versioning content.
