XWiki changed its model by introducing the nested pages concept. This required major modifications to the navigation and management of entities inside XWiki. Macaw Skin was proposed as a solution for the restructuring of the global and content menus. Macaw Skin is a mobile-oriented skin, based on Material Design guidelines. XWiki is an extensible open source platform for developing collaborative applications on top of the wiki paradigm.
Desktop View
Tablet View + Mobile View
Tablet Drawer
Application Livetable
View Mode
Edit Mode
I was responsible of rethinking the way users navigate inside XWiki, following the removal of the space concept and allowing the creation of nested pages. One major objective was to simplify and adapt to the new model, the actions and views presented to the user.

In the process of creating the Macaw skin, I've also integrated Google's Material Design principles. Macaw Skin didn't passed the state of mockups / prototype, but all the restructuring of the navigation (breadcrumb, drawer, global menus), actions (content menus, CRUD steps) and adaptation of the applications (livetables, indexes, viewers, extensions, etc.) for the new model was implemented and integrated by the Product team inside XWiki for the 7.x cycle.

I've used Balsamiq to create wireframes in the ideation process. Here are some examples with the proposals iterations:
I prefer to interact and create the design in the environment it will live in, so I usually code my proposals directly in HTML+CSS. 
These design proposals are discussed inside the XWiki Community, which is an Open Source community around the XWiki platform.
Macaw Skin | 2015


Macaw Skin | 2015

Mobile-oriented skin, based on Material Design guidelines, created as an use case for redefining the navigation after Nested Spaces model changes Read More
