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Buddhism in Tibet

Tibet: the Land of Snows, the roof of the world. For centuries this mysterious Buddhist  kingdom, locked away in its mountain fastness of the Himalaya, has exercised a unique hold  on the imagination of the West. For explorers, imperialists and traders it was a forbidden  land of treasure and riches. Dreamers on a spiritual quest have long whispered of a lost  Shangri-la, steeped in magic and mystery.

When the doors were finally flung open in the mid-1980s, Tibet lay in ruins. Be- tween 1950 and 1970, the Chinese wrested control of the plateau, drove the Tibetans’  spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and some 100,000 of Tibet’s finest into exile and  systematically dismantled most of the Tibetan cultural and historical heritage, all in  the name of revolution. For a while images of the Buddha were replaced by icons of  Chairman Mao. There is a famous Buddha quote about that (idol worship), though I wont mention it here.

Today, Tibetan pilgrims across the country are once again mumbling mantras and  swinging their prayer wheels in temples that are heavy with the thick intoxicating aroma  of juniper incense and yak butter. Monasteries have been restored across the country,  along with limited religious freedoms. A walk around Lhasa’s lively Barkhor pilgrimage  circuit is proof enough that the efforts of the communist Chinese to build a brave new  (roof of the) world have foundered on the remarkable and inspiring faith of the Tibetan  people. 
For many people, Tibet is a uniquely spiritual place. Those moments of peace, fleet- ing and precious, when everything seems to be in its proper place, seem to come more  frequently in Tibet, whether inspired by the devotion apparent in the face of a pilgrim  or the dwarfing scale of a beautiful landscape. Tibet can truly claim to be on a higher  plain.

Tibet is without doubt one of the most remarkable places to visit in Asia. It offers fabulous  monastery sights, breathtaking high-altitude treks, stunning views of the world’s highest  mountains and one of the most likeable peoples you will ever meet. Your trip will take you  past glittering mountain turquoise lakes and over high passes draped with prayer flags. Find  a quiet spot in a prayer hall full of chanting monks, hike past the ruins of remote hermit- ages or make an epic overland trip along some of the world’s wildest roads. The scope for  adventure is limitless. This remarkable place is changing fast. Investment and tourism are flooding into the region, inspired by a new train line from China, and GDP is rising even faster than the  train tracks to Lhasa. Unfortunately the modernisation is coming first and foremost on  China’s terms. China’s current wave of tourists has been dubbed the ‘second invasion’,  with a slew of new hotels, restaurants and bars set up and run by Chinese for Chinese. 

Once the remote preserve of hardy backpackers, it is now local Chinese tourists who  dominate the queues for the Potala and Jokhang. Lhasa is booming and even small towns  across the plateau are being modernised and rebuilt. With every passing month Tibet  looks less and less like itself. The myths and propaganda that have grown up around Tibet can be so enticing, so pervasive and so entrenched that it’s hard to see the place through balanced eyes. 
A famous spiritual quote by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, goes, "Go to Tibet and see many places, as much as you can; then tell the world." Very appropriate.
Buddhism in Tibet

Buddhism in Tibet

Buddhism in Tibet.


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