Mindflick, a consultancy specialising in top level management, was set up by sports psychologists Pete Lindsay, Mark Bawden & Ex-England Cricket Captain Andrew Strauss. They came to us under the name ‘Think Half Full’ but with very little else.
Our first task was to uncover what they did and how was it different. Both Pete and Mark had carved successful careers in sport psychology (which is where they met Andrew) and were now developing their unique style to fit the business environment.
After a few meetings we were left buzzing from the psychology examples they’d given us. First things first – the name wasn’t going to cut it. A company with a process called ‘pig wrestling’ and innovative clients like ‘The Fat Duck’ needed a ballsy name.
We looked at various names before landing on a gem: Mindflick. Punchy, bold and it linked to the ‘flick the switch’ thinking the guys put across.
It also can be used to play with a persons perception: cover the bottom half and it appears as Mindfuck (bang on the money for the service they offer).


Branding and anamorphic type pieces for Mindflick, including a tounge in cheek logo.
