Gabriel Figueiredo sin profilbebop . sin profil

Academia SEBRAE

selected work for the 11th ADG Graphic Design Biennial
Series of 10 videos about entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurial qualities for Academia SEBRAE, a platform that helps connecting young people to the world of entrepreneurship.
#1 Se Joga! (Go for it!)
Entrepreneurial quality: Search for opportunity and Initiative

#2 Desistir Jamais! (Never Give Up!)
Entrepreneurial quality: Persistence
#3 Yes, Fail!
Entrepreneurial quality: Embracing failure
#4 Sempre em Beta! (Always in Beta!)
Entrepreneurial quality: Perpetual quest for improvement
#5 Promessa é dívida! (A promise is a debt!)
Entrepreneurial quality: Commitment
#6 Curiosidade NÃO Mata! (Curiosity Does NOT Kill!)
Entrepreneurial quality: Curiosity
#7 Para o Alto e Avante! (Above and Beyond!)
Entrepreneurial Quality: Thinking Big
#8 Tenha um Plano (Have a Plan)
Entrepreneurial Quality: Planning
#9 Isso Aqui é um Time (This is a Team)
Entreprenurial Quality: Teamwork
#10 Dá Pra Fazer (It can be done)
Entrepreneurial quality: Confidence
Academia SEBRAE

Prosjekt laget for

Academia SEBRAE

Series of 10 videos (still in progress) about entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurial qualities for Academia SEBRAE, a platform that helps c Se mer
