Artefatti Multimodali  | Anceschi Tribute
Although this is a static image, the poster is based on the theme of "multimodal" using a single medium, therefore emphasizing the communication mode rather than the tool (poster).overlap and duplication of typography refers to the typical movement of video language, trying to involve the user. Specific design choices stimulate the visual perception of the user that can "interact" at spacial level with the image: turning the poster of 180°, this remains graphically unchanged, spreading the same concept without a sense of reading prevails over the other, thus stimulating visual perception.
The manipulation of the lettering "MIRIORAMA" (tribute to Group T), with the letter "O" as a common connection point between the two ways of reading, is based on the Fibonacci sequence on the left.

MI - duplicate * 21
RI - duplicate * 13
O - duplicate * 8
RA - duplicate * 13
MA - duplicate * 21

Anceschi Tribute

Anceschi Tribute

Il manifesto tratta la tematica del “multimodale” utilizzando un unico medium, sottolineando quindi la modalità di comunicazione piuttosto che lo Se mer
