Pakdoo Passenger is a simple product, aimed at alleviating some of the distress faced by commuters using public transport today. Functioning in essence, as a private handle for public transport, Pakdoo Passenger can be carried in your pocket, or around your wrist, whipped out when you board a crowded bus or a train, and deployed with ease.
The condition of buses in India is often deplorable,  and for several reasons. The buses are unclean and unhygienic, stuffed well beyond their capacity, and have next to nothing to hold on to while standing. Most buses simply have a metal pipe running along ceiling, well out of reach of the smaller travellers, and those that have handles, generally dont have handles for very long. 
Bus handles are often filthy, broken , and badly designed, sometimes just strips of fabric, that slide back and forth with every jerk. The handles that do exist are also far less in number than required, forcing most commuters to hold on to the backs of seats and to cluster around vertical pipes, desperately grappling to stay standing in the swaying bus.
The process of developing Pakdoo Passenger required intense prototyping, and repeated rectifications, and several prototypes were deployed and checked on various parameters for performance.
After much testing, a rubber-band inspired concept emerged as the frontrunner in terms of both performance and utility. A final form was developed, and the entire product was cast in high density silicone rubber. 
Pakdoo Passenger is completely washable, durable and strong. The rubber provides enough of a grip to prevent slipping whilst in the bus, and the inelastic nature of the silicone used prevents stretching and falling. It is lightweight and can be worn around your wrist as an accessory.
Pakdoo Passenger
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Pakdoo Passenger

Pakdoo Passenger is a simple product that ensures that you never face another uncomfortable journey in an overcrowded bus, train or metro. Pakdoo Lire la suite

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