The Superglue project was conceived by award-winning critical engineer Danja Vasiliev, who also co-developed Hotglue, and it allows the user to easily make and host their webpages from their own home. By replacing the firmware of a simple router that you can buy in most stores with Superglue firmware, you turn the device into your personal server. With a specially developed browser extension it becomes very easy to create webpages.

For the project I was approached to develop the branding identity which was expressed in a variety of media, ranging from motion graphics animation to packaging design. It was great to stretch my legs in a graphic design context again, since nowadays I mostly do illustration and working with a talented team is of course always a pleasure!
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Below: some stills from the introduction animation
Superglue identity branding
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Superglue identity branding

Superglue provides you with an independent, end-to-end solution for creating and hosting your webpages at home. In this way, it promotes the orig 詳細を表示

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