Perfil de Ting-An Ho

Panorama of Inner Journey

Vick Wang: Panorama of Inner Journey

Vick Wang took four years to develop the story and produce the 3D animation, for Panorama of Inner Journey. With components of introduction, elucidation of the theme, transition to another viewpoint, and summary used to deconstruct the animation into different segments. These segments were put into a panoramic visual space where the viewers can freely walk about, with the story developed by the viewers’ different moving flows and paces. 
The world in the human mind is like an organic city with hidden energy. As time goes by, the city experiences different stages of birth, expansion, decline, and reconstruction. Various fragments of life’s experiences are transcribed into words, images, and sounds, which are stored in the scenes of the densely packed cityscape. When a viewer walks inside the panoramic space that is covered by audiovisual effects, the infrared sensor device will initiate projections in the style of comic strips. The order of images differs for each viewer based on the person’s walking route. As the animated images are displayed non-linearly and randomly, the way the viewer is walking acts like a real-time editing mechanism for the animation, with the narrative presented in a non-linear and random manner. The story is reinterpreted and organized, as it becomes each viewer’s own story based on the received images and sounds that are reconstructed by each individual’s logic and instinct. Each reinterpreted and recomposed story allows the person to explore a montage-like journey that is uniquely his or her own. 

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Panorama of Inner Journey

Panorama of Inner Journey

It took four year to develop the story and produce the 3D animation. With opening, developing, changing, and concluding as the basic unit, the an Leer más
