Txs for watching!
Metro Club: Every point counts

JWT asked me for their Metro Club client to shoot these portraits in specific lights, "american style" like they said ;). The Agency wrote an explication about this case on their website, so I copypaste it here:
"The main aim was to build a dialogue with a target group showing the same demography as the majority of public transport users in Belgium – students, young professionals, families with younger children and active individuals whose children have left home already.
How does it work? Simple! Participants can earn points through a variety of ways: SMS, e-mailing, a quiz, surveys, polls, games and sharing on Facebook (FR/NL) and Twitter. They can then swap those points for e-coupons, gifts, auctions, etc.

An off- and online communication campaign ‘Every point counts’ was launched in parallel with the creation of the MetroClub in order to raise awareness and to create traffic to the website. The concept was as straightforward as it was playful, with visuals that perfectly matched the headline ‘Every point counts’ – showing everyday individuals ‘sizing up’ a mole or large freckle on their face with their fingers."
Photo/Retouching: Antoine Melis
Hair & Make Up and special effects: Brigitte Petit
Client: Metro Club
Agency: JWT Brussels
Creative TeamCédric Minot /Jan Ockerman
Creative DirectorJean-Luc Walraff
Here is the moodboard and light exemple that agency wanted.
So, i received very accurate layouts... Cedric love drawing, I saw that :)
The subjects was people wich catch some "points", creatives think at some "legendary icons" wich represent points like Terminator, Marilyn Monroe, Indian people, Young boy and his huge button etc...
I'll developp here the most interesant: Terminator!
Lets begin...
First step, find the mask ... Yes, the eyes can ben red and your voice is so strange when you speak on it ! I kept it on my desk for a long time... You can afraid some girls with it, believe me ;) ! Totaly fan ... txs Dreamland :)
Second step, Brigite made some speical effects on our Terminator ... I need some skin to be realistic!
On this kind of picture, shot in 60 millions pixels, each detail is important! For that, Brigitte is magical !
Let go shooting this !
It seem to be strange and fake, but you'll see ... be patient !
Shooting the mask in same light and with red eyes ... 
Incrust it on the picture ... 
With the good red eye ... And here I had to do "the point" the Terminator will catch!
Zoom on the details ... I put some burn effect in photoshop and shadowing the skin effects... You can see also the red light on the finger ! Yes, I said Every detail count ;)
Some scars too, in Photoshop ...
And of course a few bullet holes ! I shot some paper holes I did myself and add some fake marks with brushes... I always try to shoot as realistic as I can, i if you need holes, do holes and shoot it !
Final result with colors and constrast adjustments !
The other subjetcs ...
Be careful, President !
The best is for the end ;)
You can see here the real result on the website and newspaper prints...
And mobile phone backstage ;)


Each point count, even for terminator!
