Profil użytkownika „Sebastian Curi”

New Balance

New Balance Artist Collective
"All good"

New Balance has an artist program that runs (see what I did there?) inviting artists all around the world. Amplifying creatives voices who align with the core values of the brand and highlighting unique expressions based on NB/Artist back and forth. The pieces resulting of these collaborations are t-shirts, hoodies, sneakers and more. With a graphic heart and an athletic feeling I had the good luck to be invited to participate in the creation of a hoodie and a t-shirt. 

The idea behind this series of drawings is to portrait the diverse nature of runners, their special bond and their love of run. For this collaboration I centered on drawings done very fast, the shapes are heavier and the linework is very expressive. You can almost see where I erase something and where I went over with the line. An organic feeling that is created by the unprocessed, or even unfinished one could say, nature of the drawings. 

The next images are proof of the collaboration between New Balance and myself. Not all the drawings ended up being on a garment but I thought it would interesting seeing more of the process behind the end result. 


Client. New Balance
Year. 2023

Artist. Sebastian Curi
Art Director. Adam Weaver

New Balance

New Balance
