Querida Raicilla

Querida Raicilla is a spirit made in El Tuito, Jalisco. The meaning of the word Tuito is an evolution of the word teotl, which means god. The word tiul or tuitlán means "place of god," "divine place," or "place of beauty."

This etymological origin, combined with the geographical origin, was our inspiration to create a brand that evokes the divinity of mother nature, personified as the Sierra Madre Occidental, the mountain range that winds along the Mexican Pacific coast. A radiant woman stands amidst a pearl-sun, tenderly nurturing the agaves, infusing them with the breath of fertile life.

The logo and its elements were designed as a lettering that makes use of typographic combination to communicate the brand narrative with intention and charm. Two key icons were designed to represent the coast and the mountains, an echo of the origin of Raicilla. The color palette is inspired by tropical Mexico, with vibrant tones and a funky, irreverent touch. The brand's tagline, Divino Recuerdo Artesanal, serves as a sign-off encapsulating its essence. It eloquently reflects its roots, evoking the notion of memory as a cherished keepsake, like a heartfelt letter addressed to a loved one. The term "artesanal" conveys the craftsmanship and dedication inherent in its production.

Querida Raicilla — Divino Recuerdo Artesanal



Querida Raicilla
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Querida Raicilla

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