Henkilön Lola Dupre profiili

Political portraiture examples

Selection of Political Portraiture work. 2010 - 2014

David Cameron #7, 20x29.6cm
From, Diplomatic Relations 2014
Barack Obama, 11.6x16.5 inches
Manipulation of an original photograph by Mannie Garcia, Associated Press news agency. 11.6 x 16.5 inches
Pope Benedict XVI,  12.6 x 16.4 inches
Idi Amin Dada commission, 11.6 x 16.5 inches
From the Neophytou Collection
Portrait of Maggie Thatcher, 11.6x16.5 inches
Based on a photograph by Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images
Potatoes à la Vladimir Putin, 11.6 x 8.2 inches
Kim Jong-il,  14.9 x 14.9 inches
Political portraiture examples


Political portraiture examples

Selection of political portaiture 2010 - 2014
