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BIC EA Illustrated Lighter Sleeves 2023

BIC East Africa Illustrated Lighter Sleeves 2023
After the great success of 2022 Bic illustrated lighters, the project has returned for a second year with new set of décor pieces once again featuring the Kenyan art, colors and culture. Kenya Lingo is a unique hybrid of popular sayings that have origin in cultural influences, current events, meme references and pop media narratives. The project once again includes 8 unique illustrated phrases.
Kenya  Sihami
This is a simple phrase showing undefeated love for the Kenyan land and our Kenyan antics. The design features the iconic laughing guy meme to represent Kenyans' love for meme culture, funny local drama and their knack for making the light of tough socio-economic or political situations through use of humor.
Mambo Ni Mengi 
It's well known how hectic and high speed the life in Kenya can be. The words of the day are always hustle and grind hence the illustration of one of the biggest go getters on our Nairobi streets, the bodabodas - motorbike taxis who are known for their ingenuity when it comes to speedy business and taking on as much as load as possible.
Raha Jipe Mwenyewe
True happiness comes from within and we Kenyans quote this phrase way too often but rightfully so. The little things especially nostalgic and simple getaways from normal mundane life always bring shine to us. What else could be more fun than riding through your office waving your happy flag?
Pambana Na Hali Yako
Life is tough for everyone and sometimes the real cause of your your conflicts might be internal. Kenyans are known for cheekily saying this phrase to each other when one gets too nosy about their predicaments, they would prefer you focus and work on your own struggles before you challenge theirs.
Piga Sherehe
Celebration is always on the menu in our culture. Whether you're having a long week or it's a special occasion, piga sherehe! There's always something to be excited about so when Kenyans can, they take some time away to dance, vibe and have a good time.
Cheza Chini
Everyone knows a loud mouth or has a moment where they are about to let something slip and need to be reminded to keep things on the down low. You got to be lowkey in some situations and save yourself or your friends some humorous embarrassment.
In one election period, some voters were subjected to very long wait times due to technical issues from a missing password. What ensued was a hilarious moment where one of the voters repeatedly asked how a 'paswaad?!' could hinder his constitutional rights. Very relatable feeling all round. 
Mimi Sina Maoni
Another election period moment of Kenyans being Kenyans. A voter calmly responded to a reporter that "mimi sina maoni - I have no opinion at all" when asked about their thoughts on the outcome. This was obviously another relatable moment and we use the phrase to jokingly get out of giving opinions or avoiding cornering questions.
 Artwork Layouts
Décor Lighters Set
BIC EA Illustrated Lighter Sleeves 2023


BIC EA Illustrated Lighter Sleeves 2023
