My Computer is ATM

My Comuputer is ATM

Superblock has developed the Over Protocol, a blockchain network that lightens nodes and allows anyone to operate it easily. Mobills Group created the slogan "My Computer is ATM" and planned and designed a pop-up store where people can experience the Over Protocol Network.

Date: Sep 2023
Partner: Superblock

Run a node at home. Join home staking. Enjoy a new lifestyle.
To communicate that the Over Protocol is a light network working even on personal computers, a pop-up store was designed with the concept of a software shop from the 1980s, when personal computers were becoming popular. Visitors experienced the Over Protocol by earning points at the ATM and using them to purchase products.

Mobills is a creative group that experiments with the way of working. In addition to launching the brand ‘Mobetterworks’, we collaborate with partners in various field to solve problems and record the process of working on ‘MoTV’. Mobills wants to create a fun and playful working culture with a group sound that harmonizes the distinct individualities of the members.

OverProtocol, My Computer is ATM

OVER PROTOCOL @over_protocol 
Ben Kim

CIRCLE CONNECTION @circle_connection
Nathan Lee, HeeJae Lee, Nawon Park

Directing: Mochoon, Soho 
Space Planning: Jiwoo 
Space Design: Hyelin
Design Assist: Minju

©2023 Mobills Group

My Computer is ATM