The WanderingSoul 님의 프로필

The Coast in Spring, Pt. VI (2023)

The Coast in Spring, Pt. VI
(Finally Exploring the North)
Wenn ich nachts durch Länder fahre, längst todmüde bin, doch noch von einem zum anderen kommen mag, mutet jeder Rastplatz, der da von Bäumen gesäumt still und verlassen neben der Straße ruht, an, als sei er mir das schönste Bett der Welt. Und er wäre, doch ist die Zeit noch nicht reif, dass ich, vom Tage und meiner Reise erschöpft, anhalten und im wohlig-warmen Schlafsack meinen Segen finden werde. Die Müdigkeit aber ist etwas Wunderschönes, bin ich doch dem Gefühl von Geborgenheit nie nähergekommen, als auf diese Weise. Es ist einzig die Nacht, die sich an mich schmiegt.
[2023/03/20, Das schönste Bett der Welt]

This is the third and last episode of this year's edition of my series 'The Coast in Spring'. After a few weeks of travel, I finally made the decision to continue to this part of the coast. It might be popular but I haven't been there before but always wanted to since I really like to photograph lighthouses. Fortunately, these places were often deserted just as I enjoy it the most. Therefore, I mostly had a great time. I had wanted to photograph a few more places than shown in the images below but the weather was tricky. Very strong winds forced me to stick to some certain places instead, but I kind of liked that also. Seeing the same place in different types of weather is probably even more beneficial than capturing a bunch of. So, this is the result of about nine days, and I guess I've been kind of lucky anyways.
2023/05/28, listening to 'Chloe' by Hanging Fields

The Coast in Spring
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V | Pt. VI
(captured during the break of dawn; the waves were stunning)
(it begins with the break of dawn)
(continues with a breathtaking sunrise)
(and almost ends with approaching rain showers)
.. to be continued.
The Coast in Spring, Pt. VI (2023)

The Coast in Spring, Pt. VI (2023)
