Perfil de The WanderingSoul

If These Trees Could Talk

If These Trees Could Talk
[May, 2023]
(the small road which leads up to the forest)
Als ich Kind war
hab‘ ich gedacht
überall wo’s schön ist
in und auf der Welt
müsst‘ auch gleich ein andrer‘
noch mit mir sein.

Heute bin ich Kind nicht mehr,
weiß dafür wohl,
dass Schönheit selten verlangt
nach mehr als einem.

I don’t have many wishes in life, but visiting this particular forest was one of them. Unfortunately, this time of the year, with the leaves of early spring, I’m usually too far away to make it possible. This year, I changed plans. And as the weather forecast was surprisingly promising, I decided to give it a go and crossed almost one entire country in one day to arrive just by night. It could have gone wrong; the weather couldn’t have been as nice as I’d hoped for – but it went fine. I entered the forest in the break of dawn, and spent more than five hours of photography. Good news is there was fog, bad news that it was very windy and heavy rains happened as well. Frankly, I would have preferred to have no wind at all but I guess it’s kind of fitting since the reason why these trees are shaped like this is after all the wind. I would have liked to discover the entire area, every inch of it, but after these hours, I was already soaked, muddy, and exhausted from the handling of the tripod and camera on partly slippery slopes.

The following two days, I was able to photograph two other forests and I’m looking forward to process and publish these images as well. These forests have been marvellous.

2023/05/21, listening to 'The Violet Light' by Eluvium
If These Trees Could Talk

If These Trees Could Talk
