I created a typeface using condensation in a bus window.
I hand drew the letters, photographed the result and created my final letterforms by outlining the specs of light which perferated my letters. This typeface brings us back to a playful childlike gesture, drawing on bus windows is something we have all done in the past. It is also about a journey as the result is marqued by the bus's mouvement and the random light patterns it creates. Calling it "waiting for holborn" was my way of linking it back to it's context and introducing a narrative side. A bus journey is an in between moment marked by it's destination... Time seems to stand still as we are captivated by a flow of streets and people and our own passive mouvement through them. This passivity and the somewhat absurd stillness of time introduced the reference to Beckett's "Waiting for Godot". 

Initial pictures 
Initial pictures 
Condensation Type

Condensation Type

I hand drew letters on a bus window, then retraced specs of light in the letters and used that to create the type.
