Side by Side's profile

Side vs Side: Creative Typography Experiment

On April 1st 2014 we turned 1 (hurray to us). We found over the last year that client briefs can occasionally be restricted by timescales and budgets, so we came up with Side vs Side. Rather than working together, we’re working against each other. Think Rocky vs Apollo Creed, Tyson v Holyfield & Kayne West vs anyone with a camera.
Each week we will ask ourselves a question based on the last 12 months, and then answer it any way we choose.
Like all good fights, there are rules:
• 1 week per piece
• A4 outcome
• Overall budget of £100
Each question is open to the vote, and the loser’s health bar takes a beating (proper Mortal Kombat style)!
Round 1 — What was your biggest worry when starting up Side by Side?
Round 2 — What is the most important thing you have learnt in the last year?
Round 3 — Represent the last year however you like.
Round 4 — Represent the other person however you like.
Round 5 — Represent your favourite lyric from last year.

Round 6 — Create a Limerick based on the last year.

Round 7 — Represent a tweet that we sent last year.
Round 8 — Represent a news story from the last year.
Round 9 — Design a poster for a film from the last year.
Round 10 — Design a poster made from 365 pieces.
Round 11 — What's the best thing about running your own Studio?
Side vs Side: Creative Typography Experiment

Side vs Side: Creative Typography Experiment

Each week we will ask ourselves a question based on the last 12 months, and then answer it any way we choose.
