For more than 13 years i have helped others to strengthen or develop their brands...
Sometimes you get an idea like " why isn't there a bransd that produces things like this or naming it like that"
Most of the times you forget about these ideas and focus on your main  occupation or competence.

During the winter of 2011 i saw this girl when i was walking to work that had a quite strp to her shoulderbag, in my eyes it looked almost like thisribbons that pageant from "Miss Universe" wear.. and i got the idea.. what if you could produce a strap that turns your strap into this pageant-ribbon...

So i started to produce them and they will be available in the stores from July.

The brand name is a development from the word "pimping"- to make someting more bling. So missing have this double meaning of missing something but also to make something more feminine "miss your bag"

The first two products out in July is "Miss Alabama" and "Fröken Gästrikland" - which is a region in Sweden known for hmmm.. nothing.

If you want this strap or do you know anyone that would like to sell this product.. please don't hesitate to contact me.

Miss My Bag

Miss My Bag

Product and Brand development of new brand called "Miss My bag"
