Pierre-Louis Ferrer profili

Invisible Paris - Part 1

Invisible Paris - Part 1
Digital infrared
"Invisible Paris” presents a selection of views of Paris in infrared, from the most emblematic to the most modern places.

The confrontation between nature and urbanism is here at the heart of the narration: the vegetation appears immaculate, surrounding monuments and public spaces in a dreamlike whiteness. In contrast, the buildings, gray and dull, try to focus attention without succeeding. Nature is omnipresent, pure, like a symbol of escape from the city. The few passers-by scattered here and there accentuate this poetic vision by inviting the viewer to travel through them.

In the end, this series illustrates one of my main artistic approaches: the revelation of an alternative environment invisible to the naked eye and the invitation to contemplation and reverie.

This series is composed of 30 images, here is its first part.
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Invisible Paris - Part 1
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Invisible Paris - Part 1

“Invisible Paris” presents a selection of views of Paris in infrared, from the most emblematic to the most modern places. The confrontation bet Daha Fazla Bilgi

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