Nikita Buxtons profil

Get Recycling! | Crush! Issue 32

It’s time we start to realise that recycling is not as difficult a task as we think it is. In fact, it is one of the easiest ways to play your part in saving the planet.
There are plenty of websites and guides on how to recycle, we’re simply going to steer you in the right direction.
In order to start recycling, simply keep separate containers for paper, glass and plastics in your kitchen or outside and start dividing! In a lot of cases, you may even be provided with recycling bins which don’t require any separating so the work is pretty much done for you.
Think before you discard! Use old jars to make dipped vases (as featured on the Essentials page in issue 31) or use old ice cream containers to store odds and ends.
It’s important to know what you can and can’t recycle. Here’s a list found on the WWF website of what is NOT recyclable:
            •           Laminated or waxy paper
            •           Paper plates
            •           Waxy paper ream wrappers
            •           Punch confetti
            •           Carbon paper
            •           Stickers
            •           Sticky tape
            •           Post-It notes
            •           Disposable nappies
            •           Tissues
            •           Chip packets
            •           Chocolate wrappers
            •           Cling wrap
            •           Drinking glasses
Find out where you can recycle in your area:
You can also recycle electronic waste (e-waste) such as computers, televisions, etc. Find out more here:
Get Recycling! | Crush! Issue 32

Get Recycling! | Crush! Issue 32

Get Recycling! | Crush Says | Crush! Issue 32
