Underpass site along Regents Canal in late 2009.
 The space is frequented by canal boats, joggers, cyclists and dog walkers with trains passing by over the top.
Section through the Underpass illustrating the moment a pigeon flew through the space.
 The drawing also shows the quality of light available, the darkness is broken up by gaps in the railway structure above which allow light in.
User Experience Diagram
For my 3rd Year Semester 1 project, I wanted to turn the experience of the birds flight into an installation. I felt this could be achieved by the use of projectors and fog screens along the length of the space that are activated by sensors as people walk by.     
Atmospheric Section
A raised walkway highlights the route of the installation which culminates in a film screening with the film being projected across the canal. The installation doesn't take up all of the space so that it can still function as a throughfare.   
Cross Section
Underpass Cinema

Underpass Cinema

Concept for a temporary cinema and installation space located within an underpass.
